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Easy & basic methods to understand and applicate the concepts of Maths and Science


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A sample of questions  You can try



    1  Small intestine receives secretions from- (a) Large intestine(b) Pancreas(c) Oesophagus(d) Stomach (1)

    2 Blood from the heart enters the lungs from the: (a) Right auricle(b) Right ventricle(c) Left auricle(d) Left ventricle (1)

    3 The waste materials in plants are stored in the form of: (a) Water (b) Gums and resins(c) Minerals(d) Sugar (1)

    4 By which process root absorb water? (1)

    5  What are the functions of food that we eat. (2)

    6  Draw the diagram of Nephron & Explain ? (3)

    7  Describe the causes of circulation of blood from heart to organs & back to heart? (2)

    8  What do the following transport ? (i) xylem (ii) phloem (iii) pulmonary vein (iv) Vena Cava.  (2)

    9 Give any three reasons.  (i) Draw the diagram of heart and label its four chambers  :- (ii) Construct a table to show the functions of these four chambers.   (3)

    10  Plant absorbs  the  water  from  the  soil . How  does this water reach the tree tops.          Explain in detail          (2)                    

    11  What are the events that occur in photosynthesis ?                                    (2)

    12   Write two ways by which plants get rid of their waste.                                     (1)   

    13 Is respiration a chemical process? Justify.2

    14 In your meals you take vegetables and fruits also. After consuming vegetables and fruits, we generally throw their peel into the dustbin, which undergo decay. Some chemical reaction-takes place in the decaying process? In which category of chemical reactions would you place this process?    2

    15   What is the functional difference between the four cambers of the heart?                    2

    16  Give one role of the following (i) pulmonary vein (ii) lipase (iii) aorta (iv) kidney.     2

    17  Define the term Transportation?  (1)

    18What is transpiration? Give the term for the transfer of food from leaves to the other parts of the plant.(1) 19What is translocation? Why is it necessary for the Plant? (2)

    20 Explain briefly the components of the Xylem and Phloem tissues. (2)

    21  In which parts of the plant are sugars and hormones synthesized? (1)

    22  Name the Blood vessel that brings the oxygenated blood to the Human heart. Which chamber of heart receives the oxygenated blood?   (1)

    23  Give the differences between Arteries, Veins and Capillaries. (1)

    24  Why the blood circulation in Human beings is called ‘Double Circulation’ ? (2)

    26  Name the constituents of Blood. Why the White Blood Cells are called ‘Soldiers of the Body’? (2)

     27 List any four blood groups. Which blood group is called the ‘Universal Donor’ and which one is called the ‘Universal Acceptor’?  (2)

    28 State the major functions of Blood Platelets. What is their Shape?    (1)

    29 What are the various cell types of blood and explain their functions?   (2)

    30  State the role of excretion in living beings.? (2)

    31 Describe how excretion takes place in Amoeba? (1).

    32  Name the excretory organs in: Amoeba, Flat worm, Earth worm, Planaria.?(2)

    33  What is the excretory waste in the Earthworm and Amoeba?  (1)

    34   Name the structural and functional unit of the excretory system.? (2)

    35  List two vital functions of Human Kidney? (2)

    36  Define the term nutrition and nutrients.? (1)

    37  Give the different modes of nutrition with one example each. ? (2)

    38   List two differences between Holozoic and Saprophytic modes of nutrition. Give examples also. (1)

    39   Why is nutrition necessary for living organisms? (1)

    40   Name the organelles which are responsible for Photosynthesis (1)

    41  Write a short note on Light and Dark reactions   (2)

    42   If a chlorophyll containing plant is placed in an atmosphere lacking carbon dioxide. Would it live longer in light or darkness? Give reason (1)

    43   What are the enzymes secreted by various parts (stomach, salivary glands, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, duodenum, small intestine) of the alimentary canal and their functions?  (3)

    44   Name the main organs of Human digestive system in the order in which they are involved in digesting food. In what steps and how does digestion of carbohydrates and proteins take place in our body. (3)

    45   With four labeled diagrams show the stage of Phagocytosis in Amoeba? Write a sentence about each. (2)

    46   What is the mode of nutrition in fungi? (1)

    47   Differentiate between Respiration and breathing? (2)

    48    Give any three differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration ? (2)

    49   What are the end products of aerobic and anaerobic respiration? Give the equations involved.?  (2)  


    51   Is respiration possible with oxygen?  (1)

    52   What names are given to such types of respiration? Name any of its end products?  (1)

    53  What part of the root is involved in the exchange of respiratory gases? (1)

    54  What are lenticels? (1)

    55  Name the respiratory organs in: Fish, bird, earthworm. ? (1)

    56  Name the two membranes covering the Lungs.(1)

    57   What are Epiglottis and its function ?  (2)

    58  What is the total area of gaseous exchange provided by Alveoli in our two lungs? (1)

    60  Why do not the walls of trachea collapse when there is no air in it? (1)

    61  Write (2) differences  between:  a) Artery and Vein ? (1)

    62  Write (2) differences  between: (A) Blood and Lymph (B) Single circulation and double circulation ? (2)

     63  Name the enzymes secreted by   a) Pancreas     b) Liver     c) Salivary glands (1)

    64  Describe the structure and functioning of Nephron ? (2)

    65 Describe the double circulation in humans and why is it necessary? (3)

    66  a) Name the blood vessel that brings oxygenated blood to the human heart? (b) Which chamber of the human heart receives oxygenated blood, and how is this blood sent to all parts of the body? (1)

    67  Name the blood vessel that bring deoxygenated blood to the human heart, Which chamber receives this blood  and how is it sent to the lungs for oxygenation? (2)

    68  What are the different ways in which glucose is oxidized to provide energy in various organisms.Why are cramps caused in our muscles? (3)

    69  What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory wastes? (1)

    70  How is water and minerals transported in plants.? (1)

    71  Give reasons : a) The glottis is guarded by epiglottis (b) The lung alveoli are covered with blood capillaries (c) The wall of trachea is supported by cartilage rings ?            (3)

    72  How is nutrition accomplished in amoeba? (1)

    73  How is small intestine designed to absorb digested food? How are the alveoli designed to maximize the exchange of gases? (2)

    74  Herbivores have longer small intestine as compared to carnivore why? (1)

    75  State two functions of HCl in stomach. Why is rate of respiration faster in animals as compared to plants.? (2)

    76  How transport of food take place in plant and how is different from transport of minerals and water? (2)

    CHAPTER 2  Control & coordination

    1 What are meninges ?                       1

    2  What is the composition of nerves system in higher vertebrate?           2

    3  In Brief describe the various type of plant movement?     2

    4  What happens at the synapse between two neurons ?   1

    5  What structure of bones and point towards a common origin. What do you conclude from this ? (ii)What is the term given to such structures ?

    6  What are the functions of Abscisic acid ?                                                  1 

    7  What is feed back mechanism ? Explain it in relation to hormonal action          2     

    8 What may happen if you touch the leaves of Nettle plant? What is the remedy for such observation?      2

    Give methods.a) How does the nervous tissue cause action ?       (b) How are Fats and Proteins digested in our body. 2

    10   (i)Draw a labelled diagram of human brain.  (ii) Label it (a) cerebrum (b) cerebellum (c) medulla(d) hypothalamus.   (iii) Write the function of (a) cerebrum (b) cerebellum(c) pons (d) midbrain        5  

    11  Name the two substances which are responsible for the control and coordination in plants. (1)

    12 What is the function of Gibberellins, Ethene and Auxins? (2)

    13  What are Phytohormones? Name any two. (2)

    14  What is the difference between photoperiodism and phototropism? (1)

    15  What are nastic movements? Give one example. (1)

    16  Which is the structural and functional unit of nervous system? Describe with the help of a diagram.(3)

    17  “Nervous and the hormonal system together perform the function of the control and coordination in the humans”. Justify. (2)

    18  What are the different types of nervous systems found in human body? Mention the functions of each.(3)

    19 Draw the schematic diagram of reflex arc. Define reflex action with suitable example. (2)

    20 What are the four main parts of the fore brain? Give the function of each part (2)

    21 What are the three parts of the mid brain and their functions?  (2)

    22 Name the different lobes found in the fore brain and give their functions.  (2)

    23  Name the hormone associated with a) Reduction of blood glucose in the body b) Overall metabolism of the body.  (1)

    24  (a)What is (i) phototropism & (ii) geotropism? With labelled diagrams describe an activity to show that light and gravity change the direction that plant parts grow in?      3

    25  (b) Mention the functions of each of the following plant hormones. (i)Auxin (ii) Abscisic acid.  2

    26   Name two  plant hormones one which inhabits & other initiates growth  2

    27 A particular hormone require iodine for its synthesis. Name the endocrine gland which secrete this hormone and state its location.What are enzymes?  (1)

    28 what are neurons ?  (1)

    29 Write short notes on  cranium, meninges, cerebrospinal fluid (3)

    30 What are genads? Name the hormone secreated by them? (2)

    31 What are double glands? Name them & their secretions (3)

    32  Write (2) differences  between:  a) Artery and Vein (b) Natural and artificial selection (e) (G) Conduction of information in Animals and Conduction of information in plants (h) Involuntary action and reflex action ?

    33 What are Phytohormones? Name them and write their functions ? (3)

    34 How tendril of a pea plant circle around the object and cling to it? Describe tropism with the help of an activity. (1)

    35  State functions of various parts of brain .? (2)

    36 Which mechanism regulates the secretion of hormones in our body? (1)

    37  What is the function of synapse? Explain how neuron transmit message. ? (2)

    38  How does our body respond to a fight and fright situation (Secretion of adrenaline)? (1)


     1  What is meant by gestation? (1)

    2  Give Reason of the following  All organisms have many common features-Testes are located outside the abdominal cavity in a sac called scrotum?   2

    3   What is the triple fusion in higher plant?   2

    4  Explain the Sex determination in Human.    2

    5    Name those  parts  of  the  flower which serve the same function as the following do in the animals :-(i) testis (ii) ovary (iii) eggs (iv) sperms.                                                                     2

     Why testes are located outside the abdominal cavity?                                                    1

    7   Where the fertilization takes place in female. What happen when egg is not fertilized? What is the name of this process?                                                                                                 3

    8  Give differences between  self and cross polination ? 2

    9  Mention the advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual.reproduction? (2)

    10   What is the difference between unisexual and bisexual (hermaphrodite)? (1)

    11    What are various methods of vegetative propagation? (2)

    12   What are the advantages of vegetative propagation? (1)

    13   Explain the term fission, regeneration, budding ? (1)

    14   Which method would you apply to cultivate Rose and Jasmine plant? (1)

    15   What is tissue culture? (1)

    16 How does Bryophyllum reproduce vegetatively? (1)

    17   How are stock and scion interrelated? (1)

    18  Name the reptile in each case where higher temperature results in a) Male progeny, b) Female progeny. (1)

    19  Fusion of male and female gamete is called _____. What is the product of this process? (1)

    20 What happens to the pollen of a mango flower if it falls on stigma of some other flower? (1)

    21  What is Pollination? (1)

    22  Differentiate between self and cross pollination. (1)

    23  Explain fertilization in plants with diagram (With the help of diagram explain double fertilization in plants). (2)

    24  Describe the terms in relation to the human reproduction: 1. Fertilisation 2. Implantation 3. Placenta 4. Gestation (3)

    25  What do you mean by Menopause? (1)

    26  Define ovulation. (1)

    27  What are IUCD’s? Give two examples. (2)

    28  Write full form of HIV and AIDS. (1)

    29  Name any two sexually transmitted diseases. (1)

    30  What are the male and female organs in human beings? What are the hormones secreted by them and their functions? (2)

    31  Write (2) differences  between:  (a) Self Pollination and Cross Pollination  (B) Pollination and fertilization (c) Fission and budding? (3)

    32  How does the embryo gets nourishment inside the mother’s body? (1)

    33 How does the embryo gets nourishment inside the mother’s body? (2)

    34  (a) Self Pollination and Cross Pollination  (b) Pollination and fertilization ? (2)


    CHAPTER 4 Hereditary Variation

    1  Name the various theory of evolution proposed so far? (2)

    2  What are the various evidences in favours of evolution ? (2)

    3  The  genotype  of  green  stemmed  tomato plants is denoted as  GG and that of purple stemmed tomato plants as  gg.  When these two are crossed ,       a. What colour of stem would you expect in their  F1 progeny ?   b Give the percentage  of purple-stemmed plants if F1 plants are self pollinated.      c  In what ratio would you find the genotypes GG and Gg in the F2 progeny ?  (3)

    4     Explain the process of speciation.                                                                  ( 2)

    5  What is biodiversity ‘hot spots’? What is the measure of biodiversity?                      (1)

    6   If one dog has drooping ears. Now, find out(i) What is expected type phenotypic ratio of the offspring when dogs, both the traits are crossed? (ii) What are different phenotypes observed? (iii) What is this type of cross known as?                    ( 3)


    7  What is the name given to the sequence of gradual changes occurring over a period of million of years? (1)

    8  What do you mean by ‘Organic Evolution’? (1)

    9  What do you mean by: Vestigial organs, Analogous organs, Homologous organs? Give one example each. (3)

    10  A chimpanzee can hold objects by its hands and an elephant by its trunk. Are the two organs analogous or homologous? Explain. (1)

    11  Explain any three evidences that support evolution. (2)

    12  Which is the most accepted theory of evolution and what does it suggest about origin of species? (2)

    13  What clue does the fossil archaeopteryx provide about evolution? (1)

    14  Name the scientist who gave the theory of Natural selection. (1)

    15  Mention briefly the salient features of a) Lamarck’s theory b) Darwin’s Theory (3)

    16  How many pairs of chromosomes are there in Human beings? (1)

    17  What are the similarities in the genes and chromosomes? (1)

    18  What similarities were found between the genes and Mendel’s factors? (1)

    19  What is a gene? What is its function in human beings? (2)

    20  Explain the mechanism of sex determination in human beings. (1)

    21  Name the type of chromosome present in: human male and human female. What will be the sex of the child if a sperm carrying ‘Y’ chromosome fertilizes the egg? (3)

    22 Give example of some animals where sex determination is regulated by the environmental factors.? (1)

    23  How do homologous organs different from analogous organs? Give two examples of each ? (1)

    24  Write (2) differences  between:  (a) Dominant and recessive traits (b) inherited and acquired trait (c) Natural and artificial selection ?(3)

    25   Explain sex determination in humans.(2)

    26   Why is DNA copying important? (1)

    27  What evidence do we have for the origin of life from inanimate matter? (1)

    28  What are the various evidences in favour of evolution?  (1)

    CHAPTER5  Environment

    1   Construction of big dams, though useful still draws flak from society. Which of the following is not one of the reasons for protest against contruction of dams? (1)

    2   (a) Displacement of large number of peasants and tribes.
    (b) Expenditure of huge amounts of public money without proportional benefits cause economic problems.(c) Deforestation and loss of biodiversity.(d) Production of electricity.

    3   International and national laws and regulations regarding environment land resources are being formulated for- (a) Over-utilisation of resources(b) Degradation of environment
    (c) Increased awareness about environmental problems
    (d) Increased number of forests (5)

    4    Loss of vegetation cover, diversion for high water demanding crops, pollution from industrial effluents and urban wastes have resulted in: (a) Non-sustainability of underground water availability (b) Unpredictable rainfall(c) Neglect of local irrigation methods (d) Frequent floods (5)

    5      Name two gases, other than carbon-di-oxide, that are given out during burning of fossil fuel and contribute towards acid rain formation.      (2)

    6   How did the ‘Chipko andolan’ ultimately  benefit  the  local population ?  Give any two benefits.    (1)

    7    Study carefully the food chains given below :-Food chain I : grass - grasshopper - frog  2  Food chain II : wheat - rat - snake - hawk   To which of the two consumers,snake or hawk will more energy be available & why       (2 )  

    8      Name two gases,other than carbon-di-oxide, that are given out during burning of fossil fuel and contribute towards acid rain formation.   (2)

    9   Why  are  the  environmentalists  insisting   upon  ‘sustainable    natural   resource management? 1   

    10        What is Coliform Bacteria ?  (1 )     

    11        What are the advantages of watershed management ?                              (2)     

    12      Name two factors which can be used to find where river water has been contaminated1                                               (1)      

    13   Define decomposer. What is the role of decomposer in the ecosystem? Name one of the decomposer.  (2)   

    14  Why are there greater chances of accumulation of harmful chemicals in the body of human beings? (1)


    16  What is sustainable development? Suggest any three ways to achieve it. ? (3)

    17  Expand UNEP. What effort it has made to bring down CFC level? (2)

    18  Describe the instances where human intervention saved the forest/ (2)

    19  What are biodiversity hotspots? Who are their stakeholders? (2)

    20  What should be the optimum wind velocity to operate a windmill? How much land is required to generate 1 MW power of windmill? (2)





    1  The flow of energy in the Biosphere is unidirectional. Why ?                          (1)1

    2    What is  a nuclear reactor ? How is nuclear energy generated ? Why is the large  ?  (2)

    3  Which  scale use of nuclear energy prohibitive ?   Give methods.       (3 )    

    4   ( a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using solar cells     (b) Describe the biogas plant with the help of a neat labeled diagram                                                               ( 3)  

      A student constructed a box type solar cooker. He found that it is not working efficiently. What could this be due to? Give any four possible mistakes in the construction and operation of solar cooker. What maximum temperature can ordinarily be reached inside a solar cooker?                                     ( 2)  

    6  What is nuclear fission and what are the major hazards in nuclear power generation? (2)

    7 Name six traditional water harvesting systems.?(2)

    8 For which achievements “Amrita Devi Bishnoi National Award” is given? (1)

    9 What is the function of an incinerator? (1)

    10 What are the four practices by which environment can be protected? (2)




    CHAPTER 7- General question or mixed

      Diagrams & label each: 3 mark each

    a) Human Alimentary canal   (b) Human Heart (c) Human Brain (d) Flower (Sectional View) (e) Food Chains( Water, Land) (f) Trophic Level Pyramid (g)nephron (h)  Excretory system (i)  Transverse section of leaf?

    Define following 1 mark each : 1) Decomposers  (2) Biodegradable (3) Non-biodegradable substances (4) Pollination      5) Fertilisation (6) Reproduction (7) Transpiration (8) Hormones(9) Enzymes(10) Variation (11) Genetics12) Genes         13) Speciation       14) Species         15) Genetic drift 16) Fossils        17) Autotrophic Nutrition    18) Heterotrophic Nutrition 19) Geotropism   20) Phototropism  21)Ecosystem   22) Food chain  23) Food web    24) Ecosystem   25) Menopause   26) Menarche

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